Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Pedal to the Metal

While I was waiting for my tire to be replaced and William was waiting for his bike's damage to be appraised, we wondered around the BMW shop drooling. I came across a beautiful F650 GS for Katie. I signed up for the finance option but the bank turned me down.

Meanwhile, “rumours of my death have been grossly exaggerated”...

William decided to crash some luckless student yesterday, making this the second time I have had to ride pillion while the driver is mucking up the road. I think Kevin is still in therapy after he took me for a buzz up to Constantia neck and we spilled on a slow corner.

The other two accidents William is talking about: the slide I describe on the Iron John weekend and the slide on oil a few days before getting shot of the cheap Chinese rubbish I rode for a year before getting my licence. A beamer sure spoils one...

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